Working for our Community
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lower fields and enforcement
Wanborough Parish Council and residents have been in contact with Guildford Borough Council to enforce regulations on landowners who are damaging the fields by failing to adhere to the Article Four protection in place for this land. This damage is not only unsightly but also detrimental to valuable agricultural land.
You will see that we are actively exploring the next steps. Please read the minutes from our last meeting, along with a letter to Jeremy Hunt and his response.
Claire Upton-Brown response to Jeremey Hunt MP
Next parish meeting
The next parish council meeting is taking place on Wednesday 29th January 2025. to be held in Wanborough Village Hall. Meetings are open to the public all contributions welcome. Click here for the agenda.
Surrey Hills National Landscape (AONB) Boundary Variation Project – 2nd Consultation
This consultation is now closed. All information and documents related to the project and consultation can be found below. The 2nd consultation analysis report will be uploaded to this webpage along with any updates on the project.
You can also access the 1st consultation webpage here: Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Boundary Variation Project - Defra - Citizen Space.
*AONBs were recently rebranded as National Landscapes; however, when designating, Natural England still legally designates an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. To avoid confusion, the reports and documents attached to this webpage refer to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, or AONBs, throughout. If additional land is subsequently designated, it would then be branded as part of the Surrey Hills National Landscape.
​Farnborough Apport
New Year update from Farnborough Noise and invitation to a discussion taking place at Zero Carbon Guildford 16th January 7:30pm. Click here.​​​​
Take a look at our News Page for updates on our village.
Councillors’ Surgery
Matt Sallie will be holding their next Wanborough and Puttenham Residents Surgery on Saturday 18th Jan at 12pm in Puttenham church.
Many thanks to those who came along, we hope you found it useful.
Please do contact us if you need any help as follows:
Sallie Barker Matt Furniss
Sallie.barker@guildford.gov.uk matt.furniss@surrey.gov.uk
07798575356 07891022206